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Helpful Links

There are several websites I've found useful along the way. It seemed only right to share them along with my story. If you identify with any of my posts, you may like to visit a few of these too:

Good Reading:

Postpartum Progress

 Band Back Together 

PPD to Joy: Rainy Day Letters 

 UK Based Organizations:



The Association for Postnatal Illness

Joanne Bingley Memorial Foundation 
Maws: Journeys with Perinatal Mental Health

Mothers for Mothers

US Based Organizations:


Postpartum Support International


From Postpartum Progress:
Symptoms of Postpartum Depression in Plain Mama English

From Netmums:
Signs, Symptoms, and help for Postnatal Depression

Additional Support:

Started and run by Lauren Hale, #PPDchat is a way to connect with other women who are surviving PPD and to remember you're not alone.
For those of you on Twitter, there's #ppdchat, held twice every Monday. (The hashtag comes in handy when you need support at other times during the week too)
You can also find the Facebook group PPDchat support

For those of you in the UK, PND support is available if you text this number: 07834485868
I'll add to this so please check back from time to time.

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